Values for Well-Being



The Teacher:

  1. At all times be calm, caring, supportive and reassuring.
  2. Focus on thoughts and actions that reduce anxiety. Think out of the box where your lessons are concerned. Use art, use debating, use journaling….)
  3.  Read passages from the Bible that are encouraging. ( John 14: 1-3; 16 -18; 25 -28) ( Phil 4:4; 4:6-9)
  4. Build their self-confidence – a belief that they can meet the challenges and dangers of life. This is vitally important.
  5. Let them be involved with their work that distract from the situation. 
  6. Make time for small sessions for the learners to sit quietly, to breathe deeply; maybe listen to uplifting music; do muscle relaxing exercises.
  7. Show love and patient understanding. Everybody is under stress. The more love, the less fear.
  8. Observe the learners. Who needs one-on-one time with you or someone who has opted to counsel learners in need of it?
  9. Behave in a manner that the learners have faith in our leadership and the way we deal with our and their anxiety.

The Learner:


Learners must realize it is a time to grow and adapt and we are all in the same situation. There must be no denial of the reality of the situation. They need to make good choices (which have been made for them; they just need to follow the rules) and believe in God. For those that do not believe, it is good to know God loves THEM, whatever they feel.



Learners need to be guided to believe in their ability to meet the challenges.

Acknowledge the negative factors involved. ( What do you miss most? What was a positive about the situation this holiday? )

They need to admit their fears and talk about their fears with someone on a regular basis. Teach them to talk to God about what they fear and to seek help from one of the teacher counsellors if they need to.



Google what would be best for your learners. Use silence, music, simple neck, body stretches…..



How we evaluate a situation depends on your point of view. Teach them not to always think the worst is likely to happen. The teacher needs to be calm, caring, loving and reassuring at all times.



Teach the learners to encourage one another; to realize they have a role to play. Their words and actions have a double impact during times like these. In this way they are challenged to deal more effectively with the challenge of our situation.



Learners must realize they cannot handle the situation themselves and carry the burden. God is sovereign and powerful. Turn to Him. Give all your burdens to Him.  


What parents and guardians can do to support their children

During these troubling times things might feel overwhelming and we don’t always know how we  can support our children and keep them safe from Covid-19. 

  • The first thing we can do at home is to install the correct habits on changing masks, washing hands, keeping good hygiene and social distancing which will also be reinforced at school. Do  not accept that your child knows. Practice it with them.  
  • Find a mask that fits well. If the mask is not comfortable, your child will touch their face more  often which increases the chances of infection.  
  • A plastic bag should be available with your child’s lunchbox so that they can place their current  mask in the bag before they put on their new mask. 
  • Let them always sanitise their hands before putting on a new mask. It will support them to be  familiar with the break time routines at school. 
  • Prepare your child for change  
  • Your register class might change because of your FAL choice to have the majority of learners  taking the same language in the same class.  
  • Desks will be far apart. Breaks will be different. We will not be able to hug your friends or  teachers.  
  • Cultural and sport activities will not be available as before.  
  • We always shared what we have but now we will not be able to share lunch, equipment or toys  with others. Explain why on your child’s level before they return to school. 
  • Often praise your child for being kind, caring, respectful, responsible and honest. It will support  them in their response if somebody is identified with a high temperature, sneeze or cough. Let  them know that it does not mean that they have corona. NO TEASING. The school will continue  with their zero tolerance of bullying and strict discipline. 
  • Your response to matters will determine how well your child will cope with being back at  school. Talk to the school if you need any support. We have lay counsellors identified in the  school to be available and identify if there is a crises or trauma. They will refer learners if they  need additional support.  
  • Parents can further support to avoid contamination by washing and ironing our children’s masks  and school uniform daily when they return from school. We have Wednesday as casual clothes  day to ease the challenges here.  
  • As parents and guardians, we can also ensure that the transport provider we use complies  with basic sanitising practise. 
  • Further steps towards our children’s wellbeing can be taken by ensuring that they have a calm  and relaxing environment where they can further their studies at home. 
  • Together we can crush_it

“The price of greatness is responsibility.”
- Winston Churchill

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