PEPPS Motheong follows the NSC and CAPS curriculum as prescribed by the Department of Education.
Home Language: English
First Additional Language: Sepedi or Afrikaans
Life Orientation
Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy
(You have achieve and maintain a higher average than 50% in Grade 9 to be able to take Mathematics in Grade 10 -12).
Physical Science
Life Science
Business Studies
Dramatic Arts
When a learner qualifies for a specific subject selection at the end of Grade 9, it is expected to follow through with those subjects for the next three years in the FET Phase. Amendment of Regulation 17 of the regulations as per Government Gazette 20 November 2015: Grade 10 learners may change subjects in Grade 10 at the end of the second term, subject to the approval of the Principal of the school where the learner is registered. (We rather encourage learners to make a subject change by the end of the first term as beginning knowledge will be lost if this is done later in the year) Learners may change 2 subjects in Grade 11, provided this is done before 31 March, subject to the approval of the Principal of the school where the learner is registered. In exceptional cases a learner may change one additional subject in Grade 11 provided this is done before 15 December of the Grade 11 year. (This is however not encouraged by the school policy.)
Grade 10 – 12 in the FET Phase
To be promoted in PEPPS Motheong Grade 10-12:
However, as an independent school we are allowed to change this as long as it is higher than the minimum expected from the Department of Education. We expect all our learners to achieve above 50% in their assessments.
This is to prepare you to achieve a Bachelor pass in Grade 12.
Provisional admission to university is based on the final grade 11 results. The final Grade 12 results will be the confirming factor.
Website designed for PEPPS Motheong by Hello Hazyview. 2020. All rights reserved