Parents are involved and kept informed of educational processes during the following events: 
  • Report cards and parent-teacher conferences at the end of term, Support form if necessary. 
  • General Parents’ Meetings 
  • Via the D6 Communicator and Website that contain all parent letters and other information 
  • Exhibitions and displays 
  • Cultural functions
  • Prize-giving ceremonies 
  • Sports Festivals 
  • Termly letters at every end of term 
  • Letters informing parents of behaviour issues or poor progress 
  • Assistance with coaching, fund-raisers and educational opportunities
  • Letters to congratulate parents on exceptional performance and behaviour 
  • Notes in homework diaries or message books.
Parental Involvement Means …
  • Being present at all school meetings.
  • Being present at as many functions as possible.
  • Being willing to become involved in serving the school.
  • Being willing to assist in raising funds for the school.
  • Being a good listener and supportive parent.
  • Following all procedures and rules of the school and ensuring your child does the same.
  • Monitoring all homework and signing the assessment logs in the diary.
  • Reading all school letters and correspondence.
  • Signing up for the D6 and reading all D6 Communication
  • Working in partnership with teachers. All stories have two sides. Parents are expected to have the same commitment towards the raising of our shared children with good values. 
  • Marketing the school by “WORD OF MOUTH” – telling the community about Motheong Primary School, and recruiting Learners for the school.
Change Of Address / Phone Numbers
  • Parents must notify the Admin of change of address, e-mail address or phone numbers as soon as possible to prevent newsletters, reports, etc. going astray.

Grievance Procedure For Parents

Step 1: Make an appointment with the Register Class Teacher to discuss the problem.

If not resolved

Step 2: Make an appointment with the Head of Department to discuss the problem

If not resolved

Step 3: Make an appointment with the Deputy Head to discuss the problem

If not resolved

Step 4: Write a letter to the Head, email the Head or phone the School Secretary asking for a meeting to discuss the issue. Please give the background to the issue. The head will then set up a meeting with the relevant people.

  • The best solution to problems lies in an agreement between the Parent/s and the School.  
  • If the Parent is still not happy then the Parent may refer the matter to the School Board.
  • Failing a resolution, the dispute shall be finally resolved in accordance with the rules of the Arbitration Foundation of Southern Africa by an arbitrator appointed by the Foundation. With the intention to resolve the dispute within twenty-one working days.
  • Parents may also use the message book or homework diary to communicate with the Register Teacher. If the message is confidential, please place it in an envelope.
Please note that in case of a serious matter, the principal may be contacted directly.

LETTERS – must be signed by parents and returned! Prepare the following letters where applicable:

  • Subject intervention letter: learners who fail any subject, by subject teachers, after results have been finalised. Note on your class lists who received letters and make sure that the returned document is filed. Keep learners responsible to return the letter. Send a message to parents to return the letter. 
  • Failure to hand in Portfolio work: learners of whom one or more task is outstanding; subject teachers hand letter to register teachers to go with the report card. Copy and make a note on class list. Please enter the relevant demerit for this. (All School Based Assessments must be completed on time. Teachers must plan ahead to have time available to catch up with learners who did not submit. Should learners miss the deadline, please contact parents immediately. No excuse will be accepted for marks that are not entered) This form also indicates measures that you took, like keeping learners after school etc. to get work submitted.
    • Additional support: Support from the Pretoria North Educational Centre, Elmarie J v Vuuren or other service providers on list. Contact your HOD for referrals.
    • Extra/support classes – letter via HOD
  • Possible failure and progressed learner document handed to Department
  • Minutes of meeting
  • SMS parents whose children receive letters- advance warning system
  • Have all letters copied and filed on personal files- keep record to whom letters are handed to on d6
  • Academic congratulations– to Top Ten pupils (names on Board at staff room – HOD)

“Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers."
- Voltaire

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