1. All excursion arrangements need to be approved by the Principal before any planning (bookings) can proceed. The planning forms must be completed and signed.
2. The teacher in charge must get permission from the Principal to go ahead with the outing.
3. Transport arrangements must be made by completing the request form and handing it in at reception after approval of the trip.
4. Behavioural expectations should be the same as if the learners were still in the classroom.
5. Staff are to check that there is an indemnity form for each learner.
6. The number of teaching staff and other adults actively involved in an excursion is to be appropriate to the number of learners.
7. Teaching staff are to accompany the learners for the entire duration of the excursion.
8. Staff accompanying learners on the bus must sit on either side of the bus (in another words, not on the same side) and distribute themselves from back to front. (in other words, not sitting all together).
9. A laminated note with the contact details of the school must be placed at the front of the bus.
10. Teachers not accompanying learners on the bus must wait until the bus leaves the venue before leaving for home.
11. For excursions out of school hours, the teacher in charge must contact the Principal or Deputy Head on leaving so that the estimated time of arrival can be placed onto the D6 Communicator.
12. All staff accompanying the learners on the bus are expected to wait 20 minutes after arrival and to phone any parent who has not fetched their child. Teachers must therefore have access to the learner’s telephone numbers which is on the excursion form.
13. If the return time of the excursion is before 16:00, the learners go straight to their waiting areas on arrival.
14. If the return time is after 16:00, the learners who are not immediately fetched must go to safe keeping.
15. If the return time is after 17:30, the learners who are not picked up after 20 minutes will be handed over to the security guard or a designated Ground Staff Member. Teachers must have phoned these parents before handing them to the security guard.
16. If the excursion is on a Saturday, the learners who are not picked up after 20 minutes will be handed over to the security guard or a designated Ground Staff Member. Teachers must have phoned these parents before leaving for home.
17. Incidents/medical emergencies:
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