

All learners are required to maintain high standards of discipline.  Common sense, good manners and respect for others will be the basic demands of their time spent at school or while representing the school.  The School has a detailed discipline policy which applies to all learners and contains the full details of the disciplinary process which will be followed. These rules will be agreed upon at the beginning of the year. Any learner that makes it impossible for learning to take place, will be removed from class.

1. Respect  

  • All people and things around me
  • One person speaks at a time
  • The right of others to learn
  • Follow instructions and work together

2. Be honest in what I say and do

3. Be caring and behave appropriately

4. Be responsible 

  • to work 
  • for myself and my belongings
  • to be punctual in arriving at class and submitting assignments
  • and wear the correct uniform and bring the right equipment and books when needed


Any kind of bullying is regarded in a very serious light and will not be tolerated.  Learners who are found guilty of bullying could be expelled.

Bullying is defined as repeated harmful acts/language and an imbalance of power.  It involves repeated physical, verbal or psychological attacks or intimidation directed at a victim who cannot defend him-/herself because of size or strength or because the victim is outnumbered or less psychologically resilient. 

Bullying includes assault, tripping, kicking, touching in ways that make the person being touched feel uncomfortable, intimidation, rumour-spreading, isolation, demands for money or other property, demands for ‘favours’, destruction of property, theft of valued possessions, hiding of possessions, destruction of another’s work, name calling and bad language.  This includes messages on social networks which make the other person look bad and humiliates him/her. 

Report bullying to a staff member – keeping quiet will allow it to continue. 

Ways that being a BYSTANDER shows that you agree with a BULLY


  1. Laughing, giggling, ignoring the situation, doing nothing, pointing, starring, whispering to others about it or gossiping.
  2. Playing the messenger between the bully and the victim. 
  3. Spreading rumours.
  4. Jumping on the bandwagon. If your friends are ignoring someone you do not have to join in.
  5. Not saying something in a WhatsApp group if someone is being bullied, is becoming part of the bullying

“Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean."
- Ryunosuke Satoro

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