Our dismissal procedures have been redesigned with learner safety at the centre of our procedures. Parents must please familiarise themselves with the procedures and support with compliance in the best interest of our learners.
We are still committed to create a safe environment for learners in and outside the classroom. We request parents to support us in living our values. Together we can bring these goals to fruition through our vision, mission, policies and visible sharing of what we expect of each learner and stakeholder.
Summer Uniform:
Winter Uniform:
Will be announced on 1 April, (Depending on weather conditions)
Summer and winter uniform should not be worn together. E.g. Long sleeve shirt with shorts.
We do not have little birthday parties in class during the year but at the end of each term we engage in a celebration at the cost of R40 per child. This serves as a fundraiser for special projects as well. Please let Mrs. Molleman know at least two weeks before the date if your child will not participate in the birthday celebration.
Website designed for PEPPS Motheong by Hello Hazyview. 2020. All rights reserved