Each school shall have a Parents’ Forum consisting of representatives of the parents of pupils. The task of the Parents’ Forum will be to advise the Head and Senior Management on policy issues and incidents that may require the revision of the school policy; but not the professional management, financial or any educational matters.
11.1 Constitution
The Parents’ Forum shall consist of at least five (5), but no more than ten (10) persons who are parents of pupils and who are chosen annually from parents who show an interest in and a commitment to the school. The process for the election and period of office shall be determined by the Directorate Office.
11.1.1 Only parents of pupils will be eligible for election. Should a member of the Parents’ Forum cease to be a parent of a pupil, such person would automatically be disqualified from being a member of the Parents’ Forum.
11.1.2 To provide for occasional vacancies, the Parents’ Forum may appoint members to fill the vacancies.
11.1.3 Members should be nominated by the parents for election.
11.1.4 To prevent certain parents from remaining members of the Parents’ Forum for very long periods while they may have a succession of children attending a particular school, the longest serving members of the Parents’ Forum will, at the end of a term of service, automatically resign as members, but will be eligible for re-election.
The proposed structure of the Parents’ Forum shall include:
11.2.1 A Chairperson; and
11.2.2 a Deputy Chairperson.
11.3 Meetings
11.3.1 The Parents’ Forum shall meet quarterly with the Head of the school (and Senior Management, where appropriate). The secretarial services for meetings shall be provided by the school and the Parents’ Forum of each school shall determine its own meeting procedures, using the meeting procedures of the company in clause 7.3, above.
11.3.2 The Parents’ Forum shall, from their number, choose a representative to attend the Annual General Meeting of the Board and at the Annual General Meeting, witness the auditor’s approval of the financial statement of the company.
11.4 Role and Function of the Parents’ Forum
While the Parents’ Forum has no say in the educational and financial matters, or the professional management of the school, the Parents’ Forum shall play an active role in:
11.4.1 the involvement of the community in the promotion of the welfare of the school, its staff and pupils; and Page 29 of 32 © Corrie Nel & Kie.
11.4.2 have a vote for the election of directors of the company in terms of clause 7.1.
11.5 Authority
The Parents’ Forum will have no authority over the Head or staff of any school and will not have any say in educational, financial and disciplinary matters.
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